Monday, October 31, 2011

Story and Song from the Haunted Mansion Animated

Happy Halloween folks!  This animation basically ate up all my free time this month, so I hope it was worth it...

Please leave a comment, and tell me what you thought.  I'll be back in a day or two with a post-mortem on this thing for those that care. 

UPDATE:  Here's that commentary I promised if you are interested.


  1. Amazing! I dig all of your animations, but this one is the best! Wow, that was worth the wait!

  2. Utterly FANGTASTIC!!! Vlad can only imagine how much time and effort went into bringing this to life! For this, Vlad will burn a village of infidels in your honor! (Vlad was going to attack and burn a village of infidels anyway but so much better to do this in your honor. Killing two peasants with one stake, you see...) Excellent work!

  3. GREAT work. But where did you get the bride artwork?

  4. Thanks for the kind feedback people, and Vlad, you can sure spin some pose greater than the Carpathian Mountains.

    HBG2 - The Bride artwork is my own, and it was an attempt to create something that looked like it might have been done by Campbell. I'm sure you can see all the references I used, and the "Easter Eggs."

  5. Wonderful! Thanks so much! You just made my otherwise non-eventful Halloween!

  6. The Indomitable Mr. H.November 1, 2011 at 2:17 PM

    This is absolutely engrossing. I love the style of animation you've used to bring these images to life (and yet still seeming to speak to the era in which the original images & audio were made). This video is truly impressive. Well done, I say!

  7. Awesome job! Really brought the classic book and record to life. Only problem is you got me hungry for more. Would love to see the famous elevator next year. Enjoyed all the scenes you animated, especially the seance and the bride.

  8. OK, I played this record every day growing up and I am obsessed with the HM.
    Absolutely gorgeous work! Thanks so much for making this. You made my day!

  9. This is absolutely AWESOME! Bravobravobravobravo!
