Showing posts with label remote control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label remote control. Show all posts

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Should I Have Gotten a Patent?

A few months ago I was walking though the Bed, Bath & Beyond, and a TV remote control catches my eye. I wasn't shopping for a remote, nor did I need one, but what was remarkable about the the remote was its size - it was huge. It looked to be about 12''long and 6''wide (which coincidentally is how I describe myself on Craigslist. Hey-ohh!).

Then weeks later as I was combing through the Sunday newspaper, I saw the Jumbo Remote in a JC Penney ad. I pulled the ad, and set it aside so I could show it to you...

JC Penney Ad

Of course with the vast power of the internet at my fingertips, I could have just simply Googled "jumbo remote control."

Web Site with the Jumbo Remote

So what's my point? I'm glad you asked. Back in the 1990's I use to do cartoons for the local cable commission newsletter. These single panel cartoons alway had some sort of television related gag. For example take a look at this one...

Notice something familiar? Oh right, it's about a giant remote control! If I had only known back then I was sitting on such a lucrative money making idea. I could then today be cruising around on my fifty million dollar yacht, drinking mimosas with a bunch of sexy models at my side.

Well I don't really know how lucrative the jumbo remote control market is, but I imagine it's huge because it makes for a more dramatic post.


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